
söndag, oktober 14, 2012

Do you think there aren't enough monster movies being made? Do you think the monster movies of today should be more like they were in the 80's? Read on my friend!

Hermit: Monster Killer! is a film being made by a bunch of passionate independent filmmakers, writers and actors. There is no big studio involved so the movie script will not be compromised just so it will have a broader appeal or to make money. We wan't to make an entertaining old school monster movie with a twist. Please help us make this a reality, either by giving us tips on how to reach out to more people or by going directly to our indiegogo page and donating.
A more in depth description of the project can also be seen at the indiegogo page.
Pitcvideo captions in english are available. Click the CC button:
My channel, have a dedicated playlist there:

Help us support independent filmmaking and help us make this amazing film! 

You should read NinjaDixons blog post about it.

Pre-production is underway, casting, designing monster and prepare special effects... yeah, monster! This is basically a story about one old man trying to stop one angry, bloodthirsty monster from ruining his forest (and house, and dog, and...) and those affected by the monster rampage! It's a mix between Tremors, Alien, Shaun of the Dead and... Moby Dick, with a big chunk of humor and slapstick between all the flying body parts and gore!

This is our indiegogo page:

And we have a facebook page:

Im a huge monster movie geek, read fangoria since i was knee high the script is my dream monster movie! I promise i will shed my blood sweat and tears and deliver my best to you. Any donation no matter big or small will make a huge difference and be accepted by great humble gratitude. Thanks. /Ola

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